Monday, October 20, 2014

Come Back Fall

FALL – Ah, Fall!  My most favorite time of the year.  My only regret about Fall is that is doesn’t last long enough.  Once the leaves start turning, shortly after, they’re gone.  Wouldn’t it be nice if the trees would turn their beautiful colors and then stay on the trees for at least September, October, and November……then, the winter months wouldn’t seem so long and drawn out and that would make me happy.   The two photos below were taken 6 days apart from each other.  The top one was taken on October 13th at 2:30pm while the bottom one was taken this morning at 9:30am.  Besides the big tree, look at the trees/leaves in the front and background of each picture.  What a big difference those few, short days made.  Come back Fall!  Just as an after thought, wouldn't it be wonderful if a big wind came up and blew all the leaves off the lawn, saving me a lot of raking time.  We have a large lot surrounding our home with lots of trees and with lots of trees comes lots and lots of leaves to rake and bag.  See what I’m talking about, if the leaves stayed on the trees for a longer period of time, maybe, just maybe I might enjoy raking a bit more if I had the time to enjoy the pretty leaves before having to rake them.  I know, I’m rambling, so with that…………………………..  Oops, sorry, another after thought.  I guess I don’t want a big wind to come up because we use all those leaves to till into our garden plot which produces us a wonderful garden each year.  Done!




  1. Hi Marsha!

    Oh, I know what you mean! I would love it if the colors would stay, at least until Thanksgiving was over! Your pictures are so pretty!

    Absolutely loved your pictures of your Salmon trip!! We will be leaving next week to go Steelhead fishing for 18 days. There is nothing quite as gorgeous as the Salmon River!


  2. I agree the fall colors don't hang around long enough. Use you lawn mower to blow them in to a spot and save some raking..Max
