Ah yes, another year of canning done. Yesterday, I finished canning the last of our beets. I think beets has to be one of the prettiest things I bottle. I just love the deep, dark, reddish purple color of each bottle.
It wasn’t until I was down to marking my last six bottles, that I noticed something………………………….. Oh my, are we really in the year 2012? What was I thinking? It was late so I decided I would get up in the morning and change the dates.
Can you believe it? Look what I found this morning………….One of the bottles even had the year 2010! Hello…..knock, knock, knock, anybody home?!
Oh well, nothing a drop or two of lemon essential oil on a paper towel and a little rubbing couldn’t fix. All better (Ha…I even typed beeter and had to go back and change it). I THINK I’m in the right year now……………..? Yes, red roots (hair color) grow deep and I really do think it affects my brain, sometimes!
Tee hee! So glad other people do these things too! Although, most of the time I don't catch it, somebody else does!! ; )