Wednesday, August 27, 2014

3 Bull Moose On Back Yard – Continued

Last evening, the bull moose returned.  What awesomeness to be that close to something so majestic!  Our presence does not bother them even the tiniest bit.  We stand on the porch, talk, open and shut door, and yet they act like we are not even there. But mind you, we never let down our guard.


Moose Eating Tree

There were three Moose, but one decided he needed to leave the party a bit early.

Moose Leaving Over Fence





Moose Eating From Tree

In the following pictures, you can hardly tell their antlers from the tree limbs.



After some time, we decided they needed to stay off the yard before they totally ruined everything.  The snapping of branches from the apple tree was a bit much.  In our efforts to get them to leave the yard, we knocked on the windows….didn’t work.  We moved our arms and talked to them….didn’t work.  As a last resort, my husband thought about our big, loud cowbell.  I stood on the porch and was banging the cowbell very loudly.  One moseyed off but the other one just ignored us.  Finally, after some time, he slowly walked away from us.  He was really scared, for sure.  We did learn one thing through this process, a moose can easily move you, but you definitely can not move a moose…..until they are ready to be moved.


  1. Hi Marsha!

    I love watching your moose-capades! Your poor trees, I hope they recover! Love watching all your videos!


  2. We have seen these guys quite a few times, and the boys love them! Darn things are so naughty eating your trees though, and our hay ;)
