Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother’s Day Drive – part 1

Sunday after church and lunch, I decided to go for a drive.  I took oodles of pictures and decided that one blog would be way too much to load with pictures so I decided to do it in segments.  This segment contains animals and wildlife along my route.  One of the first places I drove to was the cemetery and wouldn’t you know that the first thing I would see would be a magpie – these birds are everywhere!  Even though they are such a pest, I still think they are such a pretty bird.


Continuing on my way, I headed for the mine hill.  Just off to the left-hand side of the road, a doe was calmly eating.  I made some noise to get her attention so she would look up for a picture but she could care less that I was there.  Very content and relaxed, I’d say.


When I saw this next scene, I had to laugh.  Never before have I seen a couple of duck butts.  It was a couple of mallard ducks eating away under the water.  They would both duck (no pun intended) under the water and a few seconds later they would surface.  I watched them do this over and over again.  Some days there are just certain things that entertain me….as you can see, I’m easily amused.


Driving on further up the mine hill, I went as far as the old compressor building before turning around. On my way back down, I spotted this little guy sitting on a rock.  I’m not sure what he had in his mouth but from the looks of it, his mouth was totally stuffed.



After leaving the mine hill, I was headed toward home then decided to take a turn and head out around Houston Rd.  I noticed a car coming up pretty fast behind me so I pulled over to let them pass.  As I was coming to a corner, I noticed a few cows in the road.


As I started to proceed slowly towards the cows, all of a sudden I hear a horn blasting and lots of cows running my way.  I came to a crawl and was moving very slowly to get through the cows when I kept hearing the horn blasting and pretty soon with all the running cows, the same car that had past me earlier came around the corner, still blasting away on the horn.  ???????


This is as far as I go with the animal part of my Mother’s Day tour but as you can see, I had a nice, enjoyable drive.


  1. Hi Marsha!

    Thanks for stopping by and saying,"hi"! I love blogging too, and it seems like I go in streaks, I either blog a lot, or not!

    I can tell where you are from here in this beautiful state, and I also love your area, we go that way often!

    Your pictures were delightful, I laughed out loud at the duck butts! The poor cows, some people have no sense at all!!

    Looking forward to part 2!


  2. Sounds Like A nice mother day drive and cute pictures....Janis....

  3. Good shots as usual. I have seen ducks do that quite a bit. Some people shouldn't be given a driver's license...Max

  4. Hi Marsha. I found you from Barb's blog. I've known her online for ages and am back blogging. I love your photographs! I love animals (probably more than people!). Anyway, nice to meet you.

  5. I love where you live! Any jobs up that way for my hubby?

  6. I like the duck picture, it is funny! And what a surprise, you found deer. They seem to really like you. I have driven through so many cows this spring, I'm kind of getting sick of it. But I swear it wasn't me trying to either run over cows or move them with my car.
