Yesterday, at 7:45am, my husband and I were watching this moose out of our dining room window. She was on the other side of the highway but we could tell she was headed our way so I grabbed my camera. I don’t know what spooked her but as she crossed the road, she took off on a “dead run”….that phrase doesn’t make sense to me so I looked it up and the definition stated: a steady run at top speed and its origin was around 1885-90…..but as to why that phrase came into existence, I couldn't find anything. I snapped this photo of her and my first thought was to delete it because of all the blurriness, but the more I looked at the picture, the more I liked it. I was trying to figure out where the large, white spot in the center of her body came from…was it a window reflection, what? It finally dawned on me…it was the tip of a fence post. It looked funny/odd to me that basically the only parts of the picture that were in (semi) focus were two of her legs and her body….and, another thing odd was that the two legs that were down on the ground at the same time were both on the same side of her body.
do do do do.....strange things are happening..Max