Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ken’s Club Prime Rib

There’s an eating place in our little town that is actually quite good.  In the last few years the prices have really jumped, like any other place, but the food is great.  Because of the prices, my husband and I haven’t eaten there in a few years but when I retired from working at the school for 21 years, I was given a gift certificate for Ken’s Club.  This past Friday, my husband and I put the certificate to good use and we headed to town……..to KEN’S CLUB.

Ken's Club July 24 2011 018

My husband, well….he ordered a hamburger with a salad but for myself, I went for it all – I ordered their prime rib.  Their prime rib was and still is the greatest.  It was so tender melt-in-my-mouth, yummylicious!  I got the kiddie cut and it was still a huge slice.  It was served with a salad and baked potato.  I went the extra and got the loaded potato with the works.  If you ever have a few extra bucks to spend and you like food, Ken’s is the place!

Would you look at how big this was, and that was even after eating some and thought to take a picture.  Really, it was that good but too much for me to eat so I brought what was left home and used it to make steak burritos for another meal for my husband and I.



  1. Their prime rib is great! I usually just eat off of Seth's plate, it's way too much for me to eat. The part that looks the best to me is the spud!

  2. Agreed! Best prime rib! Yummmm! Glad you got to enjoy it and hopeful Evan's burger was tasty too :P LOL

  3. It looks so good I almost got a fork and knife so I could take a bite. Looks yummy.Max

  4. Fun! Glad you got to spend a night on the town with the best prime rib around. ...don't tell Dad I called him a prime rib. ;c)
