This has always been one of my pet peeves……putting out Christmas decorations and starting Christmas around or before Halloween. My daughter sent me a photo of a store she was in before Halloween and they had already put out their Christmas decorations! What ever happened to Thanksgiving. It’s hard to even find Thanksgiving decorations in stores. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas…….at it’s proper time. All the hoop-la of Christmas diminishes the true meaning of Christmas. It seems money far outweighs the birth of our Savior. I do decorate my home for Christmas, but not before Thanksgiving. Let’s remember Thanksgiving for more than just a one-day event, giving thanks to our Savior each day for our blessings and all that we have. Wishing you all the very best Thanksgiving ever, remembering all you have to be grateful for!
To decorate my home for Thanksgiving, I use a lot of my Halloween/Fall decorations since the colors are basically the same. Then, all I have to do is add my Thanksgiving decorations into the mix. I just love my tall scarecrow. Years ago, a friend and I were in a craft store and we saw one of these scarecrows that was only about a foot high so we took out some paper, sketched the small scarecrow, went and bought supplies then came home and made us some big scarecrows…..Fun!
I have my christmas lights on already. What you waiting for? Just kidding. I don't turn them on til after thanksgiving. HAPPY THANKSGIVING...Max