Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mackay Rainstorm – September 5th



After the storm decided to quiet down a bit, we had large puddles everywhere.


This is the most moisture we have receive in a long, long time.  It’s kind of a bitter-sweet moment.  We really need the moisture but then again, some of the farmers around the valley have their hay down.  After the rain had stopped, I went around the road to the other side of the river to see what the rain had done.  A few years back it flooded out a road to someone's home.  Not as bad this time around.  Lot’s of mud and debris in the road and the bar pit was streaming a good flow of water but as far as I could tell, there wasn’t any damage.





After arriving home, I went in the dining area and looked out the window and saw a dove sitting on our clothes line pole, one I use to hang my plants on.  I’ve never seen a dove sitting on that pole before and it made me chuckle a bit as the thought ran through my mind about Noah sending out a dove to look for dry ground.


Then, awhile later, another theme from the scriptures…………..the rainbow, how beautiful it was!





  1. Cooooooooooooooolllllll! I love the sound of the thunder in the videos. Oh, and your thoughts on the dove are funny!

  2. Looks like you got a little bet of rain. sounds neat....Janis...
