Brooke, a childhood friend of our daughter, and her two children came to visit for the weekend. It’s been 12-13 years since she moved away and I’ve only seen her one time since then….she came to visit when our daughter, Amber, got married four years ago. Her children were a delight……..very well mannered children. The first night they were here, Brooke got out a grill and grilled us some fish and veggies and cooked a peach cobbler in our Dutch oven. I’m always up for cooking and eating outside.
Their stay with us was not long….arrived on Saturday around 4:30 p.m. and left mid-morning, today. We really had a nice visit and while Brooke was getting everything packed and ready to head out, the children just kind of hung around…..literally!
hmmm now I wonder where they got the idea to climb the walls. You are teaching them FUN THINGS ha ha. Did they wash the hand and foot prints off the walls. Your entry make over looks cool also. I decided to combine your 2 blogs.. Max