Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Sky Full Of Rainbow

I love seeing a big, beautiful rainbow filling the sky.  This beauty was spotted on Wednesday evening, May 29th.  My camera does not have the panoramic setting, or if it does, I haven’t found it yet.  I know that my bigger camera does but the batteries are totally wasted on it and I didn’t have any charged at the time so I opted to take pictures of this rainbow in three segments.  Yes, it had to be three segments cause it was that big.  Totally beautiful…..if only I could figure out how to get my settings set on my camera to capture the beauty as it was.  I should go and Google why the inside of a rainbow is always a different color than the outside.  Just curious……………





  1. Not only is it huge it is a double rainbow. Good shot...Max

  2. Oh oh I know why it is brighter on the inside! It's because all droplets are reflecting out the light and the colors overlap when all the colors are shining out and overlapping it creates a white effect making it look brighter on the inside of the rainbow. I know it sounds a little confusing but I swear it's true. The water drops are refracting and reflecting but they also falling at different rates and the colors are overlapping so it is brighter. Or you can go with what my grandmother use to tell me, "Rainbows are the skies smile and you're face is always bright when you smile!"
