Sunday, September 9, 2012

Cool Bull

I went visiting teaching this afternoon and when I got through, I decided to take a long route home just to see if there was anything out there worth taking a picture of.  Yep, there was.
I thought this was a beautiful picture......too bad it has power poles and lines in it.

This is a pretty cool bull..............or so I thought.
Upon closer observation, I noticed the calf sucking.  I'm one of these people that when I see horns, I think bull.  I can't believe how long it took me to notice the was the sucking sound that drew my attention.  When I was writing this, my husband was standing over my shoulder correcting what I was writing.  On the above picture, he corrected my telephone poles to power poles and on the cow, I put a baby nursing and he corrected me by saying a calf sucking.  Since he is a farmer and works for the power company..............I'll let him be right, this time.


  1. Giggling...have you ever been to branding in the spring? Most of the ranches slice the horns off their cows at that time. You're too cute. jm

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  3. Glad you have everything straight as to what is what. ha ha. Nice of you to let him be right we have to do that once in awhile. Max

  4. Those are Jim's cows, he uses them for roping and they used to live right by our house. They would calve out right behind our house, in fact, which taught ry that girl cows have horns too.
    PS I call them telephone poles too.
