Yesterday, I made a little jaunt over to the Falls to buy some clothes for the new school year and to visit my daughter who lives in Rigby. On the way home, across the dessert, I noticed that the sun was bright red/orange. Depending on the situation of the clouds and smoke, it kept changing colors. I decided to try and get some pictures of it, knowing that every time I've tried to get a picture of a "RED/ORANGE" sun, due to smoke, it has always turned out with a white center. There wasn't a whole lot of traffic on the road so I started shooting pictures as I was driving. I know, not a very smart thing to do, but................................(I was actually keeping my eyes on the road because I knew the general area of the sun and I was just aiming my camera in the general direction and shooting the picture.) Every picture was taken on a different setting and zoomed differently, trying to get that red/orange glow. Just ignore all the bug splats in each picture as most pictures were taken through the windshield
This first picture was taken from the blue tinted strip that runs along the top of your windshield. I pretty, so I decided to take some more, experimenting with different settings and zooming in.
Ah, here we go..............finally, a "RED" sun. I had my camera set on TV with a 1/200 setting and shooting through the blue tinted part of the windshield. The sky is a bit dark but I think I'm starting to get this thing figured out. Too bad I was driving at the time or I could have played a bit more and totally figured it out. And then again, there was the other option I didn't take.............STOP the car and take some pictures. Genius, right?
Those pictures look awesome! I have tried lots of times to get the red sun but it never has turned out. Good job.