Monday, July 30, 2012

Swathing Hay

Hubby decided to swath/cut hay Saturday so I thought I would get some photos.  This is his second cutting so far this year and it looks like he might get three cuttings.  THREE CUTTINGS...for us, that never happens in our neck of the woods.  The weather has been extremely warmer this summer and winter, as far as that goes.  Before swathing, you need to walk around the machine, check everything out to make sure it is working, and grease it up.

Our swather is very old (but hey, it works) without any of the bells and whistles so hubby drives it with the window and door open, hoping for some relieve from cross ventilation.  And of course, ear plugs to cut down on the noise.

This is how a field looks once it has been swathed...neatly in rows waiting to dry out and be baled.

Below is a YouTube video for those of you who have always wondered (I'm sure you have) how farmers cut their ya know.  It cuts from the front and leaves a pile that comes out down the middle and under the swather. 

The video makes farming look easy, but even if you're in the big time with all the fancy, expensive equipment, it's a lot of time, working in the heat of the day....but it's in the blood.  There's something about working the land and seeing how it all comes together.


  1. Yay! Four cuttings! It's a miracle! It seems like every year, we get hail, rain, or some other disastrous thing to ruin our crops. Glad things are actually turning out well this year! *knock* *knock*

  2. This Is Some Great Pictures Keep Up The Good Work Janis

  3. That crop does look fantastic! We have been haying non stop since the beginning of July and I'm just ready for it to be over!
