Monday, June 25, 2012

Grazing Buck

My sister, Maxine, came up on Thursday to visit for a few days and to bring me my 4-wheeler, that used to be my dads.  They dropped my 4-wheeler off at a repair shop to give it a tune-up before bringing it here to my home.  They also brought up their 4-wheeler so we could go 4-wheeling.  So for now, where my 4-wheeler was in the shop, we both hopped on hers and went for a ride out back behind our place.  We came upon this little buck out grazing so we stopped to take a picture.  He didn't seem a bit interested in whether we were there or not so we decided to see how close we could get to him.  We got fairly close so I shot some more pictures then ventured on slowly, inching our way towards him.  He still didn't seem to care if we were there or not.  We were even whistling and yelling to get his attention so he would lift his head for some pictures.  He would lift his head up, look at us, then put his head back down and start eating.  It was amazing that he didn't move........I know, it was a mind over, food, food.  He wasn't about to leave.....must have been some pretty good munchies where he was.  We actually got to within a 15 foot distance before he decided to leave.  Amazing!

When we got back from seeing our little buck, I got a phone call from the shop informing me that my 4-wheeler was ready to be picked up.  When we got home, sis and I once again went for a ride out back.  We hadn't gone very far when I noticed a mama moose and her little baby standing in the trees.  She watched us for a moment then started heading through the trees in another direction, with her little one following close behind her.  We headed around the trees to the lower pasture, hoping to get a better view of them.  When we got to the bottom field, we didn't see them so we started to head back when I heard my sister whistling so I turned around and she had once again spotted them.  We watched them for a while but we were never close enough to get a good picture.  The baby moose was so small..........I've never seen one that small.  My guess is that it had to have been born within the week.  What a picture that could have been..................if only!

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