Friday, May 4, 2012

Baby Lilacs

When I walked out to the mailbox today, I noticed that the lilac bushes are starting to bloom....well, not bloom per say, but they have little lilac buds, baby lilacs to be exact.  I don't recall seeing the lilacs at this stage in life, before today.  Probably have but just didn't take notice.

Right by the mailbox and under a tree I found the beginnings of some grape hyacinths.  They are such a cute little flower but it looks like the deer have already decided to taste them.  You can see that a few of the leaves have already been eaten.

And right next to the hyacinths, I found what used to be the beginnings of my tulips.  I planted around 50 tulips a few years back but soon found out it was candy for the deer.  Every year I still have a few that try to make their way into the world but never seem to make it.  Deer.....haven't figured out if I love them or hate them.  Love to watch them daily around the house but hate the destruction they cause.  At least they don't seem to like the lilacs.

Wanting to take the pictures of the hyacinths and the tulips, I sat down on the ground, under a bush tree to get the photos.  After taking the photos, my next thought was, ooh, now I have to get up off the ground and out from under the tree.  Mind you, I'm not saying I'm old, I'm just saying.............  I did, however, take a picture from under the tree at the blue, blue sky.  It was beautiful.

On my way back to the house I noticed this little, blue egg under the bushes.  My guesses are that it belonged to a baby robin.  I say belonged, because when I turned it over, the entire top/bottom half was missing.  Somewhere out there is a new, baby robin - Ah-h-h!  Once again, I got down on the ground to get this photo.  But, this time, it wasn't under a tree so it was much easier to get up.  Anything for a picture, right?

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