Friday, March 23, 2012

Time Out For Women - TOFW

Last weekend, my two daughters and my sister met me in Idaho Falls for a nice get-a-way.  My oldest daughter purchased some tickets on line a month or so before hand so that we could attend TOFW (Time Out For Women).  Wowziers!  The program ran for two days...........Friday night - 6:30pm till 9:30pm and Saturday - 9:00am till 3:45pm.  It was an awesome two-days fill of music, laughter, and spiritual uplift.  My husband used to be a crop loss adjuster, earning a free room at the Le Ritz Hotel in Idaho Falls.  We, my husband and I, never used the free room certificate so guess where we, the girls, my sister and I spent Friday night.  It was a pretty nice place to stay, with two queen-sized beds and a pretty spacious area for sitting around.

Wow, would you look at this line, and this wasn't even the half of it.  It ran over three hall ways long.  Once it started moving though, it didn't take us that long to get to our seats. 

This was the line up of speakers and singers for the Saturday program.  If you would like to view the details, you can go here.  And oh, did I mention that Jericho Road was the singing group?  Just thought I would throw that in and make ya a little jealous.  To hear a sample of what this group sounds like, you can go here and click on the orange circles for a partial listening of their songs.

The picture below is of myself, my daughters, and my sister.  If you ever get the opportunity to attend a TOFW, I encourage you very strongly to do so.  This event marked one of the highlights of my life.

Now for my homecoming party - I pulled into my yard with 8" of snow on the ground.  Here we haven't had hardly a trace of snow all winter and then it all falls in one day.  Go figure.  It sure was pretty for the whole day it lasted.  I wanted to go out and take some pictures but as luck would have it, I got sick the next day and was housebound for two days, missing my one and only winter photos for the year.  I guess I shouldn't speak two loudly or we might get dumped on again.  But, I guess that's ok, we need the moisture.


  1. I agree, TOFW was sooo much fun! Glad you could come!

    Holy cow, that's a ton of snow! Too bad you were too sick to take more pics. Glad you're feeling better.

    Our blogs are going to look an awful lot alike since I'm taking your pictures!

  2. Looking at the pictures of the Time Out For Women Conference brings back a lot of good memories. It was a great time..Glad all that snow was on your way home and not mine and Britter's

  3. Very pretty Nice snow -Janis
