Saturday, March 3, 2012

Over The River And............

Just a few randomness pictures to enjoy.  These first three pictures were taken earlier in the week when I went back across the river on Houston Road to see if I could see any more turkeys.  No turkeys, but some scenery I thought worth shooting.  It's amazing how on one side of the road it was cloudy and gloomy and on the other side of the road it was sunny with a beautiful blue sky.

I took these next three pictures today.  Get this, I went to a wedding reception and sat there with a group of people waiting for the bride and groom to show up.  Fifty minutes later, they made there presence.  Never did find out why they were so late but it was pretty comical and everyone had a good time visiting and eating while waiting for them to arrive.  After leaving the reception, I decided to take a ride up towards the reservoir and take a few pictures. 


  1. your winter pictures are really pretty but I am looking forward to GREEN pictures instead of white. Won't be long..Max

  2. You can even make these dreary days we've had look beautiful. And gosh, I wonder why they were late? Questions, questions...
