Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hokey Pokey Magpie

I was looking out my dining room window the other day observing this Magpie, and of course, taking pictures.  You know, Magpies are such a pretty bird and on the other hand.............why are they such an obnoxious bird.  I almost think we have more Magpies around our place than we do mosquitoes, if that is possible.  Their beauty is the only thing that is tolerable.  They come in and literally steal pet food, and when it comes to singing, they remind me of Johnny Cash (my daughter just called and mentioned Willie Nelson & that is who I meant to put on the blog)...they have no voice.  It's not a pretty warble or tweet, it's a SQUAWK - YUCK!

And just when you think there isn't really anything good worth mentioning about a Magpie, this little fellow does this....showing in all his splendor, the beautiful detailing of his black and white colors.  Yes, black and white are colors (a debated issue), in my opinion, as I tell the Kindergarten class.  I think he was doing the Hokey, Pokey, or something like that.  Anyways, it amused me at the time.  On the other hand, I will give credit where credit is due.  The internet states that Magpies are believed to be one of the most intelligent of all animals. 


  1. To all those Johnny Cash fans out there: She didn't really mean that! ;c)

  2. i like magpies I think they are pretty

  3. This is gonna sound odd but I've always thought that Magpies exist because Heavenly Father wanted to remind us that not everything that we find beautiful on the outside is really beautiful all the way through. I've also decided that maybe they are there to help us remember that sometimes we have to be willing to look past the surface appearance, put the things that annoy us to the side to understand the uniqueness and importance of all creations. Little tests to help us deal with people who are a lot like magpies. :D

  4. Yeah, I can see the Willie Nelson comparison. You should listen to the Ian Tyson song about magpies, it made me like those nosy (and noisy) birds a lot more.

  5. Magpies are pretty. You must have something in the air up there that affects birds. Remember the crazy blue bird that attacked the suburban and now a hokey pokey magpie. Hope it isn't catchy. Max
