Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Godzilla Raccoon

This is my first blog posted that I don't have a picture to post along with it.  It all started this evening as I was headed out the door to go to Young Women's.  Immediately upon stepping out our back door, I heard a loud rustling in the tree just outside our door.  I looked at the tree trying to figure out if the wind was blowing or what.  The eerie thing was, the sound continued, non-stop.  At this point, I didn't know what I was thinking but strange, very strange.  As I started to walk to my car, which is right by the tree, a Godzilla Raccoon dropped out of the tree.  He was so huge, I actually heard a thump sound as he hit the ground.  He took off  running and I started screaming for my husband.  My husband came out the door but by that time, the raccoon was clear over by the gate that leads out to our fields.  My husband looked and asked...."what is that"? (he thought it was a dog, it was that huge).  I told him it was a huge raccoon.  Whew, my heart has actually slowed down enough that I can write this post.  Evan seems to think that the raccoon will come back to get the crab apples out of the tree.  If and when he does come back,  I will be ready, with camera in hand!...............................Sorry, but I just couldn't do it.  I just couldn't put up a blog without a picture so I went to images on Google and found this picture.  I feel better now.

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