Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Missed My Moment

Almost every year, these two trees add such a beautiful touch of AWE to our yard.  This year they were so pretty and I thought I had better get a picture of them before the leaves start to fall.  Well, as I was away from home yesterday, the leaves decided to start their thing, losing much of their leaves while I was away.  As I was pulling into the driveway, I noticed I had missed my moment.  I'm sure the wind had something to do with it.  Even though the red tree had lost many of it's leaves, I decided to capture the aweness of what was left.

1 comment:

  1. They are beautiful. And you did a wonderful job catching their beauty. I even think with many of the leaves on the ground it adds something to the picture. Almost like there is so much beauty the tree couldn't help but share it with the ground below.
