Friday, September 16, 2011

How Bout Them Apples

I was in the bathroom this morning brushing my hair when I noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye.  When I turned to look out the window, I noticed this little guy.  He wasn't standing five feet away from me.  With the tinted windows and the screen, he didn't even know I was there.  This time, it wasn't my flowers he came in to munch on.

He came in for some sweet, delicious apples.  Evan picked three buckets of apples for someone who wanted them.  We've been bringing them in and out of the house for four days in case it got too cold and we didn't want them to freeze.  The person who wanted them has never come to get them.  Well, last night I forgot to bring them in and this is what happened.  I guess it's Que Sera Sera for the person who wanted apples.

So I could get better pictures without interference of the screen, I stood on my tippy-toes to take pictures from the top window.  This little buck was chowing down on the apples, totally oblivious to me standing there.

I started to tap on the window and whistle.  This got his attention and he just stood there looking at the window.  I was even talking to him telling him what a pretty little boy he was but still, he just stood there staring at the window.  I can only imagine what was going through his mind.  He would eat more apples then look up at the window.

It wasn't until I tried to open the window that I got this reaction.  I very slowly undid the latch on the window and started to lift it up when he jerked up, did a 180, and headed for the hills.  Loot at the crater he left in the dirt.