Saturday, September 10, 2011

Apple Tree Reward

I started making applesauce at 9am this morning and I just finished, 13 hours and 45 minutes later.  Ask me if I'm tired and have an aching back!  The nice thing about it and believe it or not, it saves a lot of time........that would be the "Squeezo Strainer".  You cook your apples till good and tender (no peeling or coring is necessary), put them in the top of the Squeezo, turn the handle and walla...............

The applesauce squeezes through the little cylinder and all the seeds, stems, and peelings go out the other end.  Who ever came up with this little invention sure had an exceptional idea!

And finally, as you can see, I was rewarded with a lot of applesauce........57 quarts to be exact.  I had one more bottle but I didn't want to take the time to process it so I just put it in the fridge.  With the garden and apples trees producing the way they did, we have truly been blessed.


  1. That is an amazing lot of apple sauce! It looks so yummy! With all the canning and what not you've been doing you're truly one of my heroes I have no idea how to do any of that! You're amazing!

  2. Wow! Nice job, mom! Is the apple sauce gadget new? I haven't seen it before. Seems to work nicely!

  3. Wow! That deserves a congratulations! Now do you want to come help me with my tomatoes and pears?
