First off, I put my pea pods in the sink to wash them.
From the wash, they go into a pot of boiling water for three to four minutes.....get the water boiling first, put in the peas, then start your timer.
From the hot water bath, they go into a sink of cold is supposed to be ice water but I didn't have any ice and it seemed to work fine.
For photo purposes and to show you how to shell the peas, I held the pod backwards so you could see how it was done. Instead of shelling the peas into my hand, I held the pea pod the opposite direction and pushed the peas into another large pan. First you grab the pea pod (with right hand) and pinch close to the top, holding the very top with your left hand, slide your fingers down the pod and out pop the peas. You might have to inch your fingers down the pod to get them out but still.....the process goes very quickly. Also, by doing it this way, you've killed two birds with one stone because you won't need to blanch them later (anyways, that's my way of thinking).
After bagging all the peas, I ended up with 18 pint-sized bags of peas.
If nothing else you will have peas to eat all winter, spring, summer and fall. They look yummy