Sunday, August 7, 2011

Old Habits Are Hard To Break

My hubby and I went for a ride up to the Mackay Reservoir last evening.  I guess I should (should being the key word) call it by it's rightful name, since it is now technically named the Joseph T. Fallini Campground.  Personally, I much prefer calling it the Mackay Reservoir.  I guess old habits are hard to break.  It's been called the Mackay Reservoir for as long as I have been living here.  It wasn't until a few years back, that they put up a sign, informing everyone that it is now the "Joseph T. Fallini Campground".  But, for me, it will always and forever be the Mackay Reservoir.  Anyways....ramble, ramble, ramble.  The reservoir camping areas were actually pretty full and the pavilions were being used so we just pulled off to the side of the road, sat in the car, and enjoyed the scenery.

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