Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Must Say...........

The last pictures I took of the garden were on July 22.  I can't believe how much it has grown.  It's hard to see what is growing because everything has grown so tall, (especially the potatoes) it is hard to tell what is what from this angle.

But, when taken from different angles, you can see how prosperous our (I say our, but Evan has done all the work) garden is.  So far we have harvested some lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, zucchini, tomatoes, beets, and peas.  We still have beans, potatoes, and carrots that we haven't been able to eat.....still waiting for them to mature.  Although we've only gotten a few peas, the pods are filling in nicely and it won't be long before we can fill our buckets.  

The flowers that bloom on the potato plants are so tiny and delicate.  It's nice to know that in a short time, hidden underground will be nice, big potatoes where once the tiny blossoms stood.

What is this?  How did it get missed?  It's a very big WEED!  It is (or I should say...was) growing right in the middle of the potatoes.  I decided to take a picture of it standing there so proudly before yanking it out by the roots.

From the overall view of the garden, you don't see what is growing within all the greenery.  Take a look at these beauties.  I must say...............Evan has done a fantastic job!


  1. Wow. I think Dad needs to give us some gardening tips. Our garden is kinda pathetic.

  2. How is that the only weed you found? Our garden, while growing nicely, is full of weeds no matter how often I'm out there. Evan has done a great job to grow such a beautiful garden in such a cold place.
