Thursday, August 11, 2011

Amazed...Not Dazed

For those of you who know me, you will totally understand when I say........Woot, woot, yeeha!  I mowed the lawn today and I did NOT hit a single trunk/limb.  I had some close calls with what I'd call little twigs, but that's about it.  I'm still amazed instead of dazed.

The smaller tree on the left is the one I disappear in.  The branches are so low that when I come to this area to mow, I just forge forward and hope I come out the other end, eventually....with arms flailing, trying to push away all branches that get in my way.

Now, can you see the big, bad branch/trunk hanging real low on the left-hand side of the screen.  Well, this guy sent me to the chiropractor last year.......bout took my head off.  I was paying attention to the center of the trunk, being careful not to run over my lawn ornament and WHAMMY!  Now you can see why I am so excited today that I finished mowing the lawn without a scratch, totally unscathed.

1 comment:

  1. there is such a thing as pruners to
    trim the low hanging branches so you don't have to flail etc cut with ease ha ha...Max
