Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lunch Time

I haven't blogged for a few days so today I decided I would post something.  I didn't have anything in mind and the most exciting thing I could come up with was beet greens.  Yes, beet greens!  I had just picked a handful from our garden and thought I would cook some to see what they would taste like.  I've tasted them before but it's been years so today was another one of those try-something-new days.  They cook up like spinach, wilting quite fast.  They even tasted a little bit like spinach, which I like so there you have it.....I like beet greens. 

Now, it gets a little more exciting.........while I was eating my lunch, I noticed that the Western Kingbirds were fluttering outside the dining area picture window. I thought it a bit unusual so I grabbed my camera and headed out the door. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary but I did get a peek at this.  The picture is a little blurry but if you look close, you can see the head of a baby Western Kingbird poking up out of the nest.

Next thing I knew, it had it's little mouth wide open, waiting for food, I'm sure.

LUNCH TIME......mama bird flew right in and catered to the little baby's demanding mouth.

I went out later in the day to see if I could get some more pictures but the parents were getting a little flustered so I thought I would leave well enough alone for today and try again another day.

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