Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mowing the Grass

When I got home from Kindergarten graduation last night, I pulled in the driveway and there were deer all around the house.  They started to run so I just sat still and they turned around and looked at the car, staying by the house.  When they turned back around and started mowing our grass, (nice deer to mow our overgrown lawn) I snuck out of the car and went around the corner to the other side of the house and took a few pictures.  Most of them pranced off but six of them stayed around so I could take their photo.  It sure would be nice if they would eat a little faster and then we wouldn't even have to mow our lawn.

1 comment:

  1. They are so handy! We let the cows in every now and then to keep our grass shorter. So classy.
