For the past couple of weeks, our lights in the bedroom has been flickering, but not very often. Last night, I noticed them flickering a lot in the bathroom so I talked to Evan about getting an electrician to come and check it out. This morning when I went in to the bathroom and flipped on the light switch.........nothing, so I started checking other parts of the house. We had power in the living room, dining area, kitchen, and the back two bedrooms but nothing in the rest of the house. Evan was out in the garden putting up fence so I told him what was going on and he came to the house to check things out. We flipped all the multi-breaker switches, still only getting power to the same areas. Then, the rest of the house started losing power. Evan said, "this is getting weirder by the minute". We called the electrician and he said he would come and check it out but he could not be to our home until 1pm. Evan kept checking things out and he found the problem. The electrical wires that come from the pole and connect to the house were fried.
In this picture, you can see how it melted the electrical tape. Must have gotten pretty hot to do that.
Here you can see the underside of the electrical tape and how it is totally fried. I'm so grateful that we found the problem and that it didn't cause any other a house fire!
Yikes! I'm glad that you found the problem too! That would stink for the house to burn down!