Friday, May 20, 2011

God's Beauty

My dear, 86-year old father fell and broke his hip last month while helping a neighbor pull out some old bushes in front of their home.  At the hospital he was staying in, they had a garden just off of the dining area at the cafeteria.  They had the most beautiful flowers and waterfall there.  Who would have thought that a hospital could be so beautiful.  You could see this area from the floor my father was on so guess what......of course......I grabbed my camera and headed out for pictures.

From the hospital, he was relocated to a re-hab center to get physical therapy on his hip and to build his strength up so he can come home.  Even here, at the re-hab center, there are beautiful flowers all around the facility.  What a way to help the patients and those visiting, by making the place beautiful.  Only God could have thought of something so marvelous as the beauty of a flower to brighten a persons day, no matter the situation.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying your blog. Glad you are doing one. I'm also so glad that grandpa does have such beauty around him.
